Has the flu snuck its way into your home? If it has, we feel for you! Having a sick family while being sick yourself can be one of the harder moments as a parent. While influenza can make you and your family feel sick for a few days, there is hope for a full recovery on the horizon. Since influenza is a viral illness, most cases just require time and patience until you overcome the infection. Read on →

You have probably heard it all over the news lately, but the number of upper respiratory infection cases is really high this season. Chances are that you have either been sick yourself already or know someone who has been! Included in this list of potential illnesses are influenza and RSV. Did you know that you could have multiple infections at one time? We want you to stay as healthy as possible this season, so check out our AFC Urgent Care Tyvola Road team’s latest blog all about upper respiratory infections below. Read on →

If you are sick, chances are that you are experiencing a variety of different symptoms that keep you laying low and resting for a few days. One of these symptoms could be a fever! Fevers are your body’s natural fight against infection and are actually working to help you overcome whatever illness you are suffering from. Read on as the AFC Urgent Care Tyvola Road team shares the details below. Read on →

The cold and flu season can make any parent’s head spin! There are so many different circulating illnesses that the chances that your child will get sick this year at least once is relatively high. Thankfully, we have resources like the flu shot to help minimize the risk of contracting at least one version of the flu each year. Your AFC Urgent Care Tyvola Road team encourages you to get your entire family vaccinated against the flu every year, and we explain why below. Read on →

Pregnancy can be such an exciting time in life! With all of the planning, preparing, and dreaming about your future child, it can keep you busy. Being pregnant also brings its share of body changes, some of which can be painful and potentially worrisome. Included in this list is an increased risk of experiencing headaches. While most headaches during pregnancy are related to stress, fatigue or a change in hormones, some headaches are indicative of something more serious. Read on →

As the weather cools down, there is a lot to be excited about! The holidays are right around the corner and that means quality time with family and friends. That also means that the cold and flu season is ramping up, too. One illness that you need to be careful about is respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV. This virus is especially dangerous to your infant or small child, and it can even be deadly in some cases. Read on →

The development of antibiotics is one of the world’s greatest discoveries! They are an incredible advancement in modern medicine and have greatly reduced our risk of serious illness or death when suffering from a bacterial infection. Taking a round of antibiotics is one of the easiest and most reliable ways to start feeling better quickly, but it is important to be careful about their use. If you are also currently taking another prescription, you need to clear it with a medical provider to ensure that the two medications will not interact with each other poorly! Read on →

If you have ever experienced vertigo before, you know what it feels like to have your world shift on its axis and spin around you. It can be a life-altering sensation that leaves you struggling to get through your daily life. Keeping an eye out for symptoms of vertigo can help you catch it early and can help reduce the severity of the attack! Our team at AFC Urgent Care Tyvola Road offers some details below. Read on →

If you have recently been diagnosed with scoliosis, you may be wondering if there is anything you can do about it! Scoliosis is a progressive condition, so the longer that you have it, the worse it can get. That said, though, it is a unique condition because it doesn’t follow a predictive pattern in every person. Some cases appear in childhood but then don’t get much worse, and others will continually curve and will begin to affect daily life. Read on →

No one wants to have to get tested for a sexually transmitted disease, but it crucial that you do so in order to protect yourself and your partner. STDs are really common, so we offer quick and reliable testing right in our clinic. You don’t even need to make an appointment! We know that your sexual health can directly impact your overall physical health, so we want to test and treat you as quickly as we can so you feel better right away. Read on →