Broken bones can happen in the blink of an eye. One minute you are busy cooking dinner in your kitchen, and the next, you are sprawled out on the floor because you didn’t see your dog laying down behind you and your wrist is searing in pain. Sometimes injuries are mild and can heal on their own, but broken bones should always be diagnosed and treated properly to make sure they heal the right way. Read on →

Being an adult means you wear many different hats on a typical day. You are a parent, but also a working professional, a chef, a chauffeur and the bedtime enforcer. After a long day, it can be hard to find the motivation to work on your own health. There are some small things you can do now to support your body and brain in a way that will have a big impact later in life. Read on →

School will be out soon, and that means much more time spent outdoors with your kids! We are sure you are looking forward to all of the fun activities and memories that your family will make, but do your best to respect the sun. Don’t let a significant sunburn put a damper on your summer plans! Children tend to burn more easily than adults do because their skin is thinner and more sensitive. Read on →

Salmonella is a bacterial disease that affects your intestinal tract. If you come into contact with this infection, you can expect to experience symptoms within eight to 72 hours after exposure. The symptoms associated with salmonella often are similar to common stomach bugs, so it can initially be hard to tell the difference. Our AFC Urgent Care Tyvola Road team explains all about salmonella below, so read on. What Causes Salmonella? Read on →

The spring is a great time of year for many reasons, but not for seasonal allergies. Symptoms of seasonal allergies can vary in severity from year to year, so if you are having a more severe reaction right now, know you are not alone! The increase in pollen in the air can be troubling for many people. In fact, more than 80 million Americans experience seasonal allergy symptoms every year. Read on →

It is normal to feel aches and pains in your ears every once in a while. Seasonal allergies, a recent trip or a change in altitude are all common reasons for ear discomfort. When you are experiencing lingering ear pain coupled with other symptoms, it may indicate that you have an ear infection. Ear infections are a common condition that can usually be resolved at home. Our AFC Urgent Care Tyvola Road team explains more below, so read on. Read on →

Our community has experienced quite a lot over the course of the pandemic! We rolled with the punches, adjusted to the changes and made our way through all of the uncertainty. We are proud to serve this determined community. Now that the pandemic’s emergency status is set to expire this spring, things will change across the country in some ways, including aspects of telemedicine. That shouldn’t worry you, though! An in-person visit to AFC Urgent Care Tyvola Road will continue to be your best option for access to affordable, reliable health care. Read on →

We are all so busy in our daily lives that it can be hard to prioritize sleep! It is often the first thing to go when we are busy working, packing lunches, cleaning the house or even just hitting the “next episode” button on your TV. But getting a proper amount of sleep each night is crucial to your overall health. It can help maintain your immune system and help your entire body function better! Read on →

A variety of different illnesses can cause symptoms like a cough, chest discomfort and fatigue. You may not suspect an infection like pneumonia or bronchitis right away, but these types of upper respiratory infections are always a possibility at this time of year! Receiving an accurate diagnosis when you are sick can help prevent more serious issues or a more severe infection from occurring. Certain bacterial cases of pneumonia and bronchitis need treatment to prevent the infection from spreading and becoming a dangerous situation. Read on →

The winter season can be hard on us all. We have already battled our way through a spike in respiratory illnesses and it seems like spring and summer are still so far away. In response to the already-eventful winter season, it is common to experience a bit more sadness or loneliness at this time of year. While it is OK to occasionally be sad or have hard days, lingering negative feelings and symptoms of depression could indicate a seasonal affective disorder diagnosis, which actually affects up to 20% of the population. Read on →